Friday, March 12, 2010

It's Official: HDVEGP Grant Round Extended

The North Central Texas Council of Governments just announced they still have $2 million in grant funding available and they will continue taking applications on a first-come, first-served basis until June 25 or when the money runs out.

Also, if you got approved on this round after February 26th of this year you can purchase anytime before the end of 2010.

Deadlines for the end of the round and implementation were starting to loom so this helps some folks.

Here's a link to their page if you want to read more.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Don't Let Your Grant Approval Die On The Vine

We've seen some signs of things starting to turn around with the economy (knock on wood) and several customers have approved TERP grants from earlier rounds they set aside for better times.

Take this opportunity to go back and see exactly when your forms say your purchase deadline is. As long as it hasn't passed you have two options. You can purchase before the time runs out or file for an extension.

The 2009 ERIG round was the first in a long time where many applicants who filed correctly were turned down or placed on the contingency list. The TCEQ had more applicants than money.

If you already have grant approval make sure you hold on to it unless you are sure you are no longer going to buy.

Increased interest in the TERP program has made it tougher to get these dollars. Don't let them slip away.

ROMCO's Facebook Page

Just a quick step back from TERP talk for a general announcement...

We've created a Facebook page that will have some TERP news, but will mainly be a site for ROMCO in general. We'll post links to videos of interest and any manufacturer specials that could save you money on equiment or parts and service.

This page will still be the better to follow if your only interest is the TERP program, but if you have a FB account feel free to add us as a friend.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Rebate Grant Officially Closed For This Round

As of 3/1/2010 the Rebate Grant round officially closed.

Hopefully if you were planning to file you beat the deadline. Otherwise there's a grant round (ERIG) of the horizon in the next couple of months.